Why Invest in Mauritius?

  • Political stability, peace & rule of law in a democratic system
  • No foreign exchange control
  • No Capital Gains Tax
  • No estate duty, inheritance or wealth tax
  • No withholding taxes on dividends, interest & royalties paid outside of Mauritius
  • Growing network of double taxation avoidance treaties with some 46 countries
  • Successful exit from FATF, EU and UK lists
  • Simplified tax system & attractive fiscal regime (Low tax rates of 0% – 3% – 15%)
  • Modern infrastructure & road, telecommunication facilities, ultra-fast Internet
  • Convenient time zone (+ GMT 4)
  • Frequent air and sea links
  • Modern laws, independent judiciary, Privy Council (UK) is the highest appellate court
  • Educated, skilled and adaptable workforce – bilingual in English & French
  • Presence of international banks with online banking facilities
  • Smooth migration and re-domiciliation in/out of Mauritius
  • Confidentiality guaranteed – no disclosure without a Court Order from a Mauritian Court
  • Possibility of getting Residence Permit or Permanent Residency in Mauritius
  • Possibility of acquiring a luxurious villa or an apartment in Mauritius