Residence Permit

There are different types of permits called Residence Permits (RP), and which are valid for up to 10 years and renewable thereafter if criteria are continued to be met annually during the validity.

Residence Permit as Retired Non-Citizen (RPRP)


Must be aged 50 or above and with a minimum monthly income or pension of  USD 1500 or an aggregate of USD 18,000 per year in Mauritius to be eligible. The retired person can either rent a property or buy a property either in a Scheme (minimum USD 375,000) or acquire a residential unit or the life rights in same in an approved Senior Living Residence Scheme, with no minimum acquisition price or an apartment in  a building of at least 2 floors above ground floor for a minimum price of around USD135,000.

Right to Invest

Retired Non-Citizens are allowed to invest in any business, on the condition that they are not engaged in employment within the business and do not receive a salary or employment benefits from it.

Right to work

Foreign retirees have the option to engage in employment within specific sectors. In order to do so, they must apply for either a work permit or an occupation permit.

A Residence Permit (RP) for Retired Non-Citizens will be initially issued for a maximum period of ten years. Subsequent renewals are subject to meeting established criteria.

May also apply for Permanent Residence Permit.


Individuals who are dependents of Occupation Permit holders and Residence Permit holders have the eligibility to submit an application for a residence permit.


Dependents encompass the spouse (including a Common Law Partner of the opposite sex), parents, and dependent children. This includes stepchildren or lawfully adopted children who are unmarried and not involved in any gainful activity.


The duration of the Residence Permit for a dependent shall not exceed that of the main holder.

Premium Travel Visa

The Premium Travel Visa grants a stay in Mauritius for a maximum period of one year (with an option to renew) as a tourist, retiree or a professional willing to come with his/her family and carry out his business or work remotely from Mauritius.

Premium Investor Certificate

The investment must relate to pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or entail a minimum investment of MUR 500 million in:

  1. pioneering industries, innovative technologies or
  2. emerging sectors.

The incentives are bespoke and negotiable with the authorities and includes tax rebates, exemptions, preferential rates on duties, & levies, facilities, grants and exemptions in relation to land & building, infrastructure & public facilities, utilities, labour import, etc.

How can Business Consult help?

  • Advice and guidance on migrating, residency and visa in Mauritius
  • Application for Occupation Permit (Investor, Professional, Retired)
  • Application for Work Permit
  • Application for permanent residence and naturalisation
  • Liaise with the authorities and make representations/appeal
  • Set up your business (company formation, consultancy, audit, tax & secretarial services)
  • Assist in the acquisition or disposal of immovable property in Mauritius
  • Consultancy services and acting as facilitator/preparing and filing application for real estate projects (PDS/Smart City) in Mauritius
  • Application for residence permit for dependents